Monthly Archives: June 2015

Project Update – St. John’s Behavioral Health

St John's Behavioral Health

St John’s Behavioral Health

Purdum Construction has begun renovation work on the entire 2nd floor of the Senior Behavioral Health Suite in St. John’s Hospital located in Leavenworth, Kansas.  This area will continue serving patients and providing other vital functions throughout the renovation.  In order to ensure the Behavior Suite is fully operational at all times, construction will be completed in 3 phases, allowing work to be performed in one area without disrupting the other areas.  Close coordination with hospital staff and stringent safety procedures will help ensure that patients receive the same level of care that St. John’s Hospital is known for providing.  Upon completion of the project in early 2016, St. John’s Behavioral Health will boast contemporary patient rooms, new staff offices, a modern kitchen and a completely rebuilt central service core.

Project Update – Villa Ventura Balcony Remodel

Villa Ventura Balcony Remodel

Purdum Construction just completed the last phase of a large balcony remodel project for Villa Ventura, a premiere senior living community in Kansas City, Missouri.  This is the last in a series of four phases that spanned several years.  In order to accommodate the need for minimal disturbances to residents and to better distribute costs over time, construction was completed in stages.  The remodel consisted of demolishing and replacing aging cantilevered balconies with structurally sound terraces for the enjoyment of the community’s residents.